Syllabus for Pratham Sopan

Syllabus for Pratham Sopan

a) Looking after yourself

  • a) Be able to tell correctly your duties at home
  • b) Be able to make your bed
  • c) Know the health rules regarding personal cleanlines
  • d) Learn B.P. six exercises and practice yoga/asana/surya namaskar.
  • e) Stitch a button. f) Clean or polish canvas/leather shoes.
  • g) Make a personal first aid kit and know its contents

b) Discipline

  • a) Learn about your patrol , its flag Yell, Song ,Cry , Patrol Corner ,Patrol Call and participate in Patrol in Council.
  • b) Learn & practice Hand& Whistle Singnals
  • c) Foot drill; Sadhan ,Vishram ,Ararnse ,Dahiney Bayen &pichey Mur
  • d) Participate in a Troop and Patrol game


  • a) Whip the end of a rope
  • b) Tie & demonstrate the use of the following knots Reef knot,Sheetbend,Clove Hitch,Bowline,Sheep Shank,Fishermans Knot,Round Turn & Two Half Hitches.
  • c) Tie and demonstrate Sheer Lashing Mark I and Mark II
  • d) Make a gadget or handicraft useful at home


  • a) Undertake a Troop Service Project in your school or Scout Headquaters under the guidance of ypur Scout master.
  • b) Should know the definition and Golden rules of first aid
  • c) Deal with simple Cuts , Burns ,&Bleeding frpm the nose
  • d) Undertake household responsibilities like cooking , water storage hospitality,cleanliness etc. With the help of parents for a week.

e) Participate in the following activities.

  • I. Discuss with your scout master and render some service involving any one of the points of Scout Law and submit a report to your Scout Master.
  • II. Undertake a nature study project in consultation with your Patrol Leader and submit the report within 10 days.


  • Visit a Village Panchayat Samiti /Block Development /Municipality / Muncipal corporation office and learn about the services rendered by one such public organisation and submit a report to your Scout Master wihtin 10 days.